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10 Easy Ways to Save Time on Property Maintenance in 2023

Property maintenance is an essential part of owning or managing a rental property. It helps you keep your tenants happy, avoid costly repairs, and preserve the value of your investment. However, property maintenance can also be time-consuming and stressful, especially if you have multiple properties or a busy schedule.

That’s why we at Lehigh Valley Property Maintenance want to share with you some tips on how to save time on property maintenance in 2023. These tips will help you streamline your tasks, automate your processes, and outsource your work when needed. By following these tips, you can spend less time on property maintenance and more time on growing your business.

1) Create a Preventive Maintenance Plan

One of the best ways to save time on property maintenance is to inhibit problems from happening in the first place. A preventive maintenance plan is a schedule of regular inspections and services you perform on your property to keep it in good condition. For example, you can check the roof for leaks, clean the gutters, service the HVAC system, replace the filters, test the smoke detectors, and so on.

A preventive maintenance plan can help you avoid major issues that can cause damage, inconvenience, or safety hazards for your tenants. It can also help you extend the lifespan of your appliances and systems, reduce your energy bills, and comply with local codes and regulations.

To create a preventive maintenance plan, you need to identify the components of your property that need regular attention, determine how often they need to be inspected or serviced, and assign responsibilities to yourself or your staff. You can use our commercial cleaning services in Pennsylvania You can use a calendar app or property management software to keep track of your preventive maintenance tasks and reminders.


2) Use Technology to Automate Your Tasks

Technology can be a great ally for saving time on property maintenance services. Many tools and apps can help you automate some of your tasks and make them easier and faster. For example, you can use:

Smart devices: Smart devices can be controlled remotely or programmed to perform certain functions automatically. For example, you can use smart thermostats to adjust your property’s temperature according to the season or occupancy, smart locks to grant or revoke access to your tenants or contractors, smart cameras to monitor your property for security or inspection purposes, and so on.

Online platforms: Websites or apps can help you manage different aspects of your property maintenance online. For example, you can use online platforms to collect rent payments, communicate with your tenants or contractors, schedule appointments or repairs, order supplies or services, track expenses or receipts, etc.

Software solutions: Software solutions are programs that can help you organize and optimize your property maintenance workflow. For example, you can use software solutions to create work orders, assign tasks, track progress, generate reports, store documents, analyze data, and so on.

Using technology to automate your tasks, you can save time by reducing manual work, human errors, paperwork, phone calls, and travel.


3. Hire a Professional Property Maintenance Company

Choosing Lehigh Valley Property Maintenance as your professional property maintenance company saves your valuable time. We possess the expertise, skills, specialized equipment, and proper licensing to efficiently handle any commercial cleaning services & property maintenance services task to the highest standards. You can avoid the hassle and unreliable contractors by delegating your property maintenance responsibilities to us. Our services guarantee a well-maintained property and satisfied tenants while freeing up your time to focus on other essential aspects of your business. 

4) Educate Your Tenants

One of the best ways to save time on property maintenance is to educate your tenants on how to take care of your property. You can provide them with a tenant handbook that outlines their responsibilities and expectations, such as:

  • Reporting any issues or damages promptly
  • Keeping the property clean and tidy
  • Disposing of trash and recycling properly
  • Using appliances and utilities correctly and safely
  • Following the rules and regulations of the lease agreement
  • Respecting the property and the neighbors

You can also provide them with tips and resources on how to maintain your property, such as:

  • How to change air filters
  • How to unclog drains
  • How to prevent mold or mildew
  • How to conserve water and energy
  • How to prepare for winter or summer

Educating your tenants will help you prevent problems, reduce complaints, and foster a good relationship with them.

5Conduct Seasonal Inspections

Seasonal inspections are inspections that you conduct at the beginning or end of each season to check for any issues or damages that may have occurred. Seasonal inspections can help you save time on property maintenance by allowing you to catch and fix any problems before they worsen or cause more damage.

Some Examples of Seasonal Inspections Are:

  • Spring inspection: Check for any water damage, leaks, cracks, or mold resulting from melting snow or ice. Clean gutters and downspouts, inspect roofs and siding, and service HVAC systems.
  • Summer inspection: Check for any pest infestations, fire hazards, or landscaping issues that may have resulted from warmer weather. Trim trees and shrubs, seal decks and patios, and install window screens.
  • Fall inspection: Check for any drafts, gaps, or insulation issues that may have resulted from cooler weather. Caulk windows and doors, replace weather stripping and winterize pipes.
  • Winter inspection: Check for any frozen pipes, ice dams, or snow accumulation that may have resulted from colder weather. Clear snow and ice from walkways and driveways, install storm windows and doors and test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

6) Prioritize Your Maintenance Tasks

One additional way to save time on property maintenance is to prioritize your maintenance tasks, which means deciding which tasks are more important, urgent, or beneficial than others and doing them first. For example, prioritize safety, compliance, tenant satisfaction, or value enhancement tasks.

It can help you save time by focusing on the tasks that matter most and avoiding wasting time on the tasks that are less relevant or impactful. It can also help you improve your decision-making and problem-solving skills by forcing you to evaluate and compare different options and scenarios.

You can use a simple method like the Eisenhower Matrix, which divides your tasks into four categories based on their urgency and importance:

Do first: These are urgent and important tasks. They require your immediate attention and action. For example, repairing a broken water heater, fixing a gas leak, or resolving a tenant dispute.

Schedule: These are the tasks that are important but not urgent. They require your planning and preparation. For example, updating your appliances, painting your walls, or renewing your insurance.

Delegate: These are the tasks that are urgent but not important. They require someone else’s attention and action. For example, ordering supplies, scheduling inspections, or hiring contractors.

Eliminate: These are the tasks that are neither urgent nor important. They require no attention or action. For example, checking social media, watching TV, or browsing the web.

Using this method, you can sort out your tasks and decide which ones to do first, schedule, delegate, or eliminate.


7. Outsource Non-Core Tasks

Outsourcing non-core tasks is a valuable strategy to save time and focus on the core aspects of your property maintenance business. You can allocate your time and energy more efficiently by delegating tasks such as tenant acquisition, lease negotiations, or property improvements to external professionals. Additionally, outsourcing can save costs by reducing overhead expenses, taxes, and liabilities associated with in-house operations.

To outsource non-core tasks, you can use online platforms like how-can-outsourcing-help-your-business or find freelancers or agencies who can handle different aspects of your property maintenance business online.

8. Use Quality Materials And Equipment

Quality materials and equipment are the ones that are durable, reliable, and efficient. They can withstand wear and tear, perform well, and consume less energy. Using quality materials and equipment can help you save time by reducing the frequency and severity of repairs, replacements, or breakdowns.

9. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Establishing clear communication channels is an effective method to save time in property maintenance. Clear communication channels refer to how you interact with tenants, contractors, staff, and other involved parties. These channels include phone calls, emails, text messages, online portals, and in-person meetings. By utilizing clear communication channels, you enhance customer service and satisfaction by keeping tenants well-informed, updated, and engaged in property maintenance processes. This approach also streamlines communication, allowing for efficient coordination and minimizing misunderstandings.

10. Create a Budget

 A budget is a plan that shows how much money you have and how much money you need to spend on your property maintenance. For example, you can allocate money for preventive maintenance, repairs, improvements, emergencies, etc.


At Lehigh Valley Property Maintenance, we understand the importance of efficient property maintenance for your rental business. Our commercial cleaning services and property maintenance services can help you save time in 2023. Contact us today for a free quote and consultation.

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